Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Objects, Arrays and Tuples

October 23, 2023

Table of Contents

Now that we know how to type simple variables and functions, let’s make things a bit more interesting with collections. In JavaScript, this means Objects and Arrays.


In general, object types are defined by:

  • The names of the properties that are (or may be) present
  • The types of those properties

For example, if we had the concept of a Car like “2002 Toyota Corolla” with properties:

  • make: the manufacturer (in this case, “Toyota”)
  • model: the particular product (in this case, “Corolla”)
  • year: the “model year” of the product (in this case, 2002)

We could create a JavaScript object to represent this information:

make: "Toyota",
model: "Corolla",
year: 2002

The type that would describe this object’s structure:

make: string
model: string
year: number

We can use this type with a variable using the same : foo notation we’ve already discussed!

let car: {
make: string
model: string
year: number

We could create a function to print values of this type to the console:

* Print information about a car to the console
* @param car - the car to print
function printCar(car: {
make: string
model: string
year: number
}) {
console.log(`${car.make} ${car.model} (${car.year})`)

Notice that we can use this exact same kind of type annotation for function arguments.

At this point, you can start to see that we see “completions” when we start using car in the body of this function.

* Print information about a car to the console
* @param car - the car to print
function printCar(car: {
make: string
model: string
year: number
}) {

Optional Properties

What if we take our car example a bit further by adding a fourth property that’s only present sometimes?

Property Name Is present Type Note
make Always string
model Always string
year Always number
chargeVoltage Sometimes number not present unless car is electric

We can state that this property is optional using the ? operator:

function printCar(car: {
make: string
model: string
year: number
chargeVoltage?: number
}) {
let str = `${car.make} ${car.model} (${car.year})`
(property) chargeVoltage?: number | undefined
if (typeof car.chargeVoltage !== "undefined")
str += `// ${car.chargeVoltage}v`
(property) chargeVoltage?: number

Note that the type of chargeVoltage is now number | undefined. We’ll go deeper into what the | means, but for now you can consider it OR, for types. number | undefined means “either number or undefined“.

Our printCar function now works, regardless of whether the chargeVoltage property is present or not:

// Works
make: "Honda",
model: "Accord",
year: 2017,
// Also works
make: "Tesla",
model: "Model 3",
year: 2020,
chargeVoltage: 220,

Excess property checking

TypeScript helps us catch a particular type of problem around the use of object literals. Let’s look at the situation where the error arises:

function printCar(car: {
make: string
model: string
year: number
chargeVoltage?: number
}) {
// implementation removed for simplicity
make: "Tesla",
model: "Model 3",
year: 2020,
color: "RED", // <0------ EXTRA PROPERTY
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'color' does not exist in type '{ make: string; model: string; year: number; chargeVoltage?: number | undefined; }'.2353Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'color' does not exist in type '{ make: string; model: string; year: number; chargeVoltage?: number | undefined; }'.

The important part of this error message is:

Object literal may only specify known properties, and ‘color’ does not exist in type <the type the function expects>

In this situation, within the body of the printCar function, we cannot access the color property since it’s not part of the argument type. Thus, we’re defining a property on this object, that we have no hope of safely accessing later on!

emoji-bulb Try fixing this three ways in the TypeScript playground
  1. Remove the color property from the object
  2. Add a color: string to the function argument type
  3. Create a variable to hold this value, and then pass the variable into the printCar function

Index signatures

Sometimes we need to represent a type for dictionaries, where values of a consistent type are retrievable by keys.

Let’s consider the following collection of phone numbers:

const phones = {
home: { country: "+1", area: "211", number: "652-4515" },
work: { country: "+1", area: "670", number: "752-5856" },
fax: { country: "+1", area: "322", number: "525-4357" },

Clearly it seems that we can store phone numbers under a “key” — in this case home, office, fax, and possibly other words of our choosing — and each phone number is comprised of three strings.

We could describe this value using what’s called an index signature:

const phones: {
[k: string]: {
country: string
area: string
number: string
} = {}
(index) phones[string]: { country: string; area: string; number: string; }

Now, no matter what key we look up, we get an object that represents a phone number.

Array Types

Describing types for arrays is often as easy as adding [] to the end of the array member’s type. For example the type for an array of strings would look like string[]

const fileExtensions = ["js", "ts"]
const fileExtensions: string[]

You could use our more complicated car type too, following the type for our 3-property object with [] as shown in the tooltip below:

const cars = [
const cars: { make: string; model: string; year: number; }[]
make: "Toyota",
model: "Corolla",
year: 2002,


Sometimes we may want to work with a multi-element, ordered data structure, where position of each item has some special meaning or convention. This kind of structure is often called a tuple.

Let’s imagine we define a convention where we can represent the same “2002 Toyota Corolla” as

// [Year, Make, Model ]
let myCar = [2002, "Toyota", "Corolla"]
// destructured assignment is convenient here!
const [year, make, model] = myCar

Let’s see how TypeScript handles inference in this case:

let myCar = [2002, "Toyota", "Corolla"]
let myCar: (string | number)[]
const [year, make, model] = myCar
const model: string | number

| means “OR”, so we can think of string | number means either a string or a number.

TypeScript has chosen the most specific type that describes the entire contents of the array. This is not quite what we wanted, in that:

  • it allows us to break our convention where the year always comes first
  • it doesn’t quite help us with the “finite length” aspect of tuples
let myCar = [2002, "Toyota", "Corolla"]
// not the same convention or length!
myCar = ["Honda", 2017, "Accord", "Sedan"]

In this case, TypeScript could infer myCar to be one of two things. Which do you think is more commonly used?

emoji-grey_question Which is the more useful assumption, most of the time?
  1. [2002, "Toyota", "Corolla"] should be assumed to be a mixed array of numbers and strings
  2. [2002, "Toyota", "Corolla"] should be assumed to be a tuple of fixed length (3)

Consider: Which do you use more often?

If TypeScript made a more specific assumption as it inferred the type of myCar, it would get in our way much of the time…

There’s no major problem here, but it does mean that we need to explicitly state the type of a tuple whenever we declare one.

let myCar: [number, string, string] = [
// ERROR: not the right convention
myCar = ["Honda", 2017, "Accord"]
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
// ERROR: too many items
myCar = [2017, "Honda", "Accord", "Sedan"]
Type '[number, string, string, string]' is not assignable to type '[number, string, string]'. Source has 4 element(s) but target allows only 3.2322Type '[number, string, string, string]' is not assignable to type '[number, string, string]'. Source has 4 element(s) but target allows only 3.
const [year, make, model] = myCar
const year: number
const make: string

Now, we get errors in the places we expect, and all types work out as we hoped.

readonly tuples

Tuples are just regular JS Arrays.

// Source
const numPair: [number, number] = [4, 5];
"use strict";
// Compiled output (ES5)
var numPair = [4, 5];

This imposes some degree of limitation on how tuples can be typed. For example, an Array allows new things to be .push(...)ed into them, allow .splice(...) and so on. At runtime these methods will exist on every tuple, and the types reflect that.

Typescript provides a lot of the support you’d hope for on assignment:

const numPair: [number, number] = [4, 5];
const numPair: [number, number]
const numTriplet: [number, number, number] = [7];
Type '[number]' is not assignable to type '[number, number, number]'. Source has 1 element(s) but target requires 3.2322Type '[number]' is not assignable to type '[number, number, number]'. Source has 1 element(s) but target requires 3.

and we see something interesting happening with .length

[101, 102, 103].length
(property) Array<number>.length: number
(property) length: 2

but we get no protection around push and pop, which effectively would change the type of the tuple

numPair.push(6) // [4, 5, 6]
numPair.pop() // [4, 5]
numPair.pop() // [4]
numPair.pop() // []
numPair.length // ❌ DANGER ❌
(property) length: 2

If we are ok with treating this tuple as read-only, we can state so, and get a lot more safety around mutation.

const roNumPair: readonly [number, number] = [4, 5]
(property) length: 2
roNumPair.push(6) // [4, 5, 6]
Property 'push' does not exist on type 'readonly [number, number]'.2339Property 'push' does not exist on type 'readonly [number, number]'.
roNumPair.pop() // [4, 5]
Property 'pop' does not exist on type 'readonly [number, number]'.2339Property 'pop' does not exist on type 'readonly [number, number]'.

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