Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Callables and Constructables

October 23, 2023

Table of Contents

We have dealt with function argument and return types, but there are a few more in-depth concepts we need to cover.

Callable types

Both type aliases and interfaces offer the capability to describe call signatures:

interface TwoNumberCalculation {
(x: number, y: number): number
type TwoNumberCalc = (x: number, y: number) => number
const add: TwoNumberCalculation = (a, b) => a + b
(parameter) a: number
const subtract: TwoNumberCalc = (x, y) => x - y
(parameter) x: number

Let’s pause for a minute to note:

  • The return type for an interface is :number, and for the type alias it’s => number
  • Because we provide types for the functions add and subtract, we don’t need to provide type annotations for each individual function’s argument list or return type


Sometimes functions don’t return anything, and we know from experience with JavaScript, what actually happens in the situation below is that x will be undefined:

function printFormattedJSON(obj: string[]) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, " "))
const x = printFormattedJSON(["hello", "world"])
const x: void

So why is it showing up as void?

void is a special type, that’s specifically used to describe function return values. It has the following meaning:

The return value of a void-returning function is intended to be ignored

We could type functions as returning undefined, but there are some interesting differences that highlight the reason for void’s existence:

function invokeInFourSeconds(callback: () => undefined) {
setTimeout(callback, 4000)
function invokeInFiveSeconds(callback: () => void) {
setTimeout(callback, 5000)
const values: number[] = []
invokeInFourSeconds(() => values.push(4))
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.2322Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.
invokeInFiveSeconds(() => values.push(4))

It happens that Array.prototype.push returns a number, and our invokeInFourSeconds function above is unhappy about this being returned from the callback.

Construct signatures

Construct signatures are similar to call signatures, except they describe what should happen with the new keyword is used in an instantiation scenario.

interface DateConstructor {
new (value: number): Date
let MyDateConstructor: DateConstructor = Date
const d = new MyDateConstructor(1697923072611)
const d: Date

These are rare, but if you ever happen to come across them - you now know what they are.

Function overloads

Imagine the following situation:

<iframe src="https://example.com" />
<!-- // -->
<input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="text" name="email" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
<input type="submit" value="Login" />

What if we had to create a function that allowed us to register a “main event listener”?

  • If we are passed a form element, we should allow registration of a “submit callback”
  • If we are passed an iframe element, we should allow registration of a ”postMessage callback”

Let’s give it a shot:

type FormSubmitHandler = (data: FormData) => void
type MessageHandler = (evt: MessageEvent) => void
function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLFormElement | HTMLIFrameElement,
handler: FormSubmitHandler | MessageHandler
) {}
const myFrame = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]
const myFrame: HTMLIFrameElement
handleMainEvent(myFrame, (val) => {
(parameter) val: any

This is not good — we are allowing too many possibilities here, including things we don’t aim to support (e.g., using a HTMLIFrameElement with FormSubmitHandler, which doesn’t make much sense).

We can solve this using function overloads, where we define multiple function heads that serve as entry points to a single implementation:

type FormSubmitHandler = (data: FormData) => void
type MessageHandler = (evt: MessageEvent) => void
function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLFormElement,
handler: FormSubmitHandler
function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLIFrameElement,
handler: MessageHandler
function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLFormElement | HTMLIFrameElement,
handler: FormSubmitHandler | MessageHandler
) {}
const myFrame = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]
const myFrame: HTMLIFrameElement
const myForm = document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0]
const myForm: HTMLFormElement
handleMainEvent(myFrame, (val) => {
function handleMainEvent(elem: HTMLIFrameElement, handler: MessageHandler): any (+1 overload)
handleMainEvent(myForm, (val) => {
function handleMainEvent(elem: HTMLFormElement, handler: FormSubmitHandler): any (+1 overload)

Look at that! We have effectively created a linkage between the first and second arguments, which allows our callback’s argument type to change, based on the type of handleMainEvent’s first argument.

Let’s take a closer look at the function declaration:

function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLFormElement,
handler: FormSubmitHandler
function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLIFrameElement,
handler: MessageHandler
function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLFormElement | HTMLIFrameElement,
handler: FormSubmitHandler | MessageHandler
) {}
function handleMainEvent(elem: HTMLFormElement, handler: FormSubmitHandler): any (+1 overload)

This looks like three function declarations, but it’s really two “heads” that define an argument list and a return type, followed by our original implementation.

If you take a close look at tooltips and autocomplete feedback you get from the TypeScript language server, it’s clear that you are only able to call into the two “heads”, leaving the underlying “third head + implementation” inaccessible from the outside world.

One last thing that’s important to note: “implementation” function signature must be general enough to include everything that’s possible through the exposed first and second function heads. For example, this wouldn’t work

function handleMainEvent(
elem: HTMLFormElement,
handler: FormSubmitHandler
function handleMainEvent(
This overload signature is not compatible with its implementation signature.2394This overload signature is not compatible with its implementation signature.
elem: HTMLIFrameElement,
handler: MessageHandler
function handleMainEvent(elem: HTMLFormElement) {}
function handleMainEvent(elem: HTMLFormElement, handler: FormSubmitHandler): any (+1 overload)

this types

Sometimes we have a free-standing function that has a strong opinion around what this will end up being, at the time it is invoked.

For example, if we had a DOM event listener for a button:

<button onClick="myClickHandler">Click Me!</button>

We could define myClickHandler as follows

function myClickHandler(event: Event) {
this.disabled = true

Oh no! this is an any type. We sure don’t want to depend on disabled being a defined property without some degree of type safety. If we enable the compilerOptions.noImplicitThis flag in tsconfig.json, you’ll see a type checking error here

function myClickHandler(event: Event) {
this.disabled = true
'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.2683'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.
myClickHandler(new Event("click")) // maybe ok?

Oops! TypeScript isn’t happy with us. Despite the fact that we know that this will be element that fired the event, the compiler doesn’t seem to be happy with us using it in this way.

To address the problem, we need to give this function a this type

function myClickHandler(
this: HTMLButtonElement,
event: Event
) {
this.disabled = true
(property) HTMLButtonElement.disabled: boolean
myClickHandler(new Event("click")) // seems no longer ok
The 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'HTMLButtonElement'.2684The 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'HTMLButtonElement'.

Now when we try to directly invoke myClickHandler on the last line of the code snippet above we get a new compiler error. Effectively, we have failed to provide the this that this function states it wants.

function myClickHandler(
this: HTMLButtonElement,
event: Event
) {
this.disabled = true
(property) HTMLButtonElement.disabled: boolean
function myClickHandler(this: HTMLButtonElement, event: Event): void
const myButton = document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]
const boundHandler =
const boundHandler: (event: Event) => void
boundHandler(new Event("click")) // bound version: ok
myClickHandler.call(myButton, new Event("click")) // also ok

Note TypeScript understands that .bind, .call or .apply will result in the proper this being passed to the function as part of its invocation.

Function type best practices

Explicitly define return types

TypeScript is capable of inferring function return types quite effectively, but this accommodating behavior can lead to unintentional ripple effects where types change throughout your codebase

consider the following example

export async function getData(url: string) {
const resp = await fetch(url)
const data = (await resp.json()) as {
properties: string[]
return data
function loadData() {
getData("https://example.com").then((result) => {
console.log(result.properties.join(", "))
(parameter) result: { properties: string[]; }

and what if we made a seemingly innocent change

export async function getData(url: string) {
const resp = await fetch(url)
+ if (resp.ok) {
const data = await resp.json()
return data
+ }

We’ll see some type-checking errors pop up, but at the invocation site, not the declaration site.

Imagine if we were passing this value through several other functions before reaching the point where type checking alerted us to a problem!

async function getData(url: string) {
const resp = await fetch(url)
if (resp.ok) {
const data = (await resp.json()) as {
properties: string[]
return data
function loadData() {
getData("https://example.com").then((result) => {
console.log(result.properties.join(", "))
'result' is possibly 'undefined'.18048'result' is possibly 'undefined'.
(parameter) result: { properties: string[]; } | undefined

If we use the same example, but define a return type explicitly, the error message is surfaced at the declaration site

async function getData(
url: string
): Promise<{ properties: string[] }> {
Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.2366Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.
const resp = await fetch(url)
if (resp.ok) {
const data = (await resp.json()) as {
properties: string[]
return data
function loadData() {
getData("https://example.com").then((result) => {
console.log(result.properties.join(", "))

  1. There is a native Javascript concept of a native void keyword, but it’s not related to the TypeScript concept of the same name.

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