Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Declaration Merging

October 25, 2023

Table of Contents

We have different types of named things in TypeScript, including types, variables and functions (and occasionally things that can be used as both). By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to examine and understand these entities in TypeScript.

In order to truly understand how types and values “stack” on each other, we’ll first tackle the concept of declaration merging. Often when people grasp how TypeScript handles this, they never look at the language the same way again.

Many things can be declared with a name and referenced later in the TypeScript world, this includes variables and types as we can see below

interface Fruit {
interface Fruit
name: string
mass: number
color: string
const banana: Fruit = {
const banana: Fruit
name: "banana",
color: "yellow",
mass: 183,
// both of these things are exportable
export { banana, Fruit }

Let’s coin a term here and call banana and Fruit both identifiers1, in that they provide a named and exportable reference to some information (be it a value, or a type)

Stacking multiple things on an identifier

It may seem a little silly, but what if we built a function called Fruit that returned banana-shaped objects? What do you think would happen?

interface Fruit {
interface Fruit
name: string
mass: number
color: string
function Fruit(kind: string) {
switch (kind) {
case "banana": return banana
default: throw new Error(`fruit type ${kind} not supported`)
export { Fruit }
(alias) function Fruit(kind: string): Fruit (alias) interface Fruit export Fruit

It’s probably surprising for some readers that this is not throwing a compiler error, as would be the case if we declared two types or two values of the same name. The tooltip on the export is particularly interesting. There’s a lot more going on here.

Let’s introduce one more thing to this situation: a namespace with the same Fruit name. We’ll talk more about namespaces later

interface Fruit {
interface Fruit namespace Fruit
name: string
mass: number
color: string
function Fruit(kind: string) {
function Fruit(kind: string): Fruit namespace Fruit
switch (kind) {
case "banana": return banana
default: throw new Error(`fruit type ${kind} not supported`)
// the namespace
namespace Fruit {
namespace Fruit function Fruit(kind: string): Fruit
function createBanana(): Fruit {
interface Fruit namespace Fruit
return Fruit('banana')
function Fruit(kind: string): Fruit namespace Fruit
export { Fruit }
(alias) function Fruit(kind: string): Fruit (alias) interface Fruit (alias) namespace Fruit export Fruit

We can learn a couple of things from this situation. First, what we see around export { Fruit } is that there’s identifier that’s three things in one:

  • a value (class)
  • a type
  • a namespace

Second, we can see that when Fruit is used in a place where we expect to see type information, we see the interface and namespace information on the tooltip. When Fruit is used in a place where we expect to see a value, we see the function and namespace information. It appears there’s something at play that involves using single identifier in different contexts.

How to tell what’s on an identifier

Tooltips, and attempts to use identifiers in certain positions are a great mechanism of understanding what we’re dealing with on an identifier.

const is_a_value = 4
type is_a_type = {}
namespace is_a_namespace {
const foo = 17
// how to test for a (value | namespace)
const x = is_a_value // the value position (RHS of =).
const is_a_value: 4
// how to test for a type
const y: is_a_type = {} // the type position (LHS of =).
type is_a_type = {}
// how to test for a namespace (hover over is_a_namespace symbol)
namespace is_a_namespace

Let’s look at some failing cases to convince ourselves that these tests work

const is_a_value = 4
type is_a_type = {}
namespace is_a_namespace {
const foo = 17
// how to test for a value
const x = is_a_type
'is_a_type' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.2693'is_a_type' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
const xx = is_a_namespace
// how to test for a type
const y: is_a_value = {}
'is_a_value' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof is_a_value'?2749'is_a_value' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof is_a_value'?
const yy: is_a_namespace = { }
Cannot use namespace 'is_a_namespace' as a type.2709Cannot use namespace 'is_a_namespace' as a type.

Note that namespace passes the “value test” — as we’ll learn in a moment, it is a value.

A short aside: what’s the point namespace?

Do any of you remember using jQuery?

To describe the way this library works using type information, you need to be able to handle cases like

// a `fetch` kind of function
url: "/api/getWeather",
data: {
zipcode: 97201,
success: function (result) {
$("#weather-temp")[0].innerHTML =
"<strong>" + result + "</strong> degrees"
// a `document.querySelectorAll` kind of function
$("h1.title").forEach((node) => {
node.tagName // "h1"
(property) Element.tagName: string

We could define a function and a namespace that “stack” like this, so that $ could simultaneously be invoked directly, and serve as a namespace for things like $.ajax, $.getJSON and so on…

function $(selector: string): NodeListOf<Element> {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector)
namespace $ {
export function ajax(arg: {
url: string
data: any
success: (response: any) => void
}): Promise<any> {
return Promise.resolve()

Generally, writing code in this way is a bit outdated, left over from the days where we didn’t have modules, and installed libraries as global variables. With this in mind, let’s not give namespace too much more thought for now.

A look back on class

With our new knowledge of “things that can stack on an identifier”, let’s take another close look at a class in TypeScript

class Fruit {
name?: string
mass?: number
color?: string
static createBanana(): Fruit {
return { name: "banana", color: "yellow", mass: 183 }

and let’s apply our type and value tests to this Fruit identifier

// how to test for a value
const valueTest = Fruit // Fruit is a value!
// how to test for a type
let typeTest: Fruit = {} as any // Fruit is a type!

So it seems that classes are both a type and a value.

The word completions for the letter c above are a clue as to what’s going on:

  • When Fruit is used as a type, it describes the type of an instance of Fruit
  • When Fruit is used as a value, it can both act as the constructor (e.g., new Fruit()) and holds the “static side” of the class (createBanana() in this case)

It turns out we’ve already been benefiting from declaration merging this whole time!

  1. TypeScript internally calls this a ts.Symbol, not to be confused with the JavaScript concept of the same name.

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