Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Nullish values

October 23, 2023

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There are situations where we have to plan for, and deal with the possibility that values are null or undefined. In this chapter we’ll dive deep into null, undefined, definite assignment, non-nullish coalescing, optional chaining and the non-null assertion operator.

Although null, void and undefined are all used to describe “nothing” or “empty”, they are independent types in TypeScript. Learning to use them to your advantage, and they can be powerful tools for clearly expressing your intent as a code author.


null means: there is a value, and that value is nothing. While some people believe that null is not an important part of the JS language, I find that it’s useful to express the concept of a “nothing” result (kind of like an empty array, but not an array).

This nothing is very much a defined value, and is certainly a presence — not an absence — of information.

const userInfo = {
name: "Mike",
email: "mike@example.com",
secondaryEmail: null, // user has no secondary email


undefined means the value isn’t available (yet?)

In the example below, completedAt will be set at some point but there’s a period of time when we haven’t yet set it. undefined is an unambiguous indication that there may be something different there in the future:

interface FormInProgress {
createdAt: Date
data: FormData
completedAt?: Date
const formInProgress: FormInProgress = {
createdAt: new Date(),
data: new FormData(),
function submitForm() {
formInProgress.completedAt = new Date()


We have already covered this in the functions chapter, but as a reminder:

void should exclusively be used to describe that a function’s return value should be ignored

console.log(`console.log returns nothing.`)
(method) Console.log(...data: any[]): void

Non-null assertion operator

The non-null assertion operator (!.) is used to cast away the possibility that a value might be null or undefined.

Keep in mind that the value could still be null or undefined, this operator just tells TypeScript to ignore that possibility.

If the value does turn out to be missing, you will get the familiar cannot call foo on undefined family of errors at runtime:

type GroceryCart = {
fruits?: { name: string; qty: number }[]
vegetables?: { name: string; qty: number }[]
const cart: GroceryCart = {}
cart.fruits.push({ name: "kumkuat", qty: 1 })
'cart.fruits' is possibly 'undefined'.18048'cart.fruits' is possibly 'undefined'.
(property) fruits?: { name: string; qty: number; }[] | undefined
cart.fruits!.push({ name: "kumkuat", qty: 1 })

I recommend against using this in your app or library code, but if your test infrastructure represents a throw as a test failure (most should) this is a great type guard to use in your test suite.

In the above situation, if fruits was expected to be present and it’s not, that’s a very reasonable test failure emoji-tada

Definite assignment assertion

The definite assignment !: assertion is used to suppress TypeScript’s objections about a class field being used, when it can’t be proven1 that it was initialized.

Let’s look at the following example:

class ThingWithAsyncSetup {
setupPromise: Promise<any>
isSetup: boolean
Property 'isSetup' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.2564Property 'isSetup' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.
constructor() {
this.setupPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.isSetup = false
return this.doSetup(resolve)
}).then(() => {
this.isSetup = true
private async doSetup(resolve: (value: unknown) => void) {
// some async stuff

TypeScript is warning me that someone could create an instance of this class and immediately attempt to access .isSetup before it gets a boolean value

let myThing = new ThingWithAsyncSetup()
myThing.isSetup // what if this isn't assigned yet?
(property) ThingWithAsyncSetup.isSetup: boolean

What I know (that the compiler doesn’t) is that the function passed into the Promise constructor is invoked synchronously, meaning by the time we receive our instance of ThingWithAsyncSetup, the isSetup property will most certainly have a value of false.

class ThingWithAsyncSetup {
setupPromise: Promise<any> // ignore the <any> for now
isSetup!: boolean
constructor() {
this.setupPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.isSetup = false
return this.doSetup()
}).then(() => {
this.isSetup = true
private async doSetup() { }

This is a good example of a totally appropriate use of the definite assignment operator, where I as the code author have some extra context that the compiler does not.

Optional chaining ?.

A less hazardous tool, relative to the non-null assertion operator is optional chaining.

Let’s say we have a big JSON object with a structure like this

type Payment = {
id: string
amount: number
createdAt: Date
type Invoice = {
id: string
due: number
payments: Payment[]
lastPayment?: Payment
createdAt: Date
type Customer = {
id: string,
lastInvoice?: Invoice
invoices: Invoice[]
type ResponseData = {
customers?: Customer[]
customer?: Customer

So, we can have one or many Customers, each of which may have one or more Invoices, each of which may have one or more Payments.

Now let’s say we want to render information on a dashboard, for the customer’s most recent payment on any invoice (or leave blank if they haven’t made any payments).

There’s a whole lot of presence checking we’d need to perform!

function getLastPayment(data: ResponseData): number | undefined {
const {customer} = data;
if (!customer) return;
const { lastInvoice } = customer;
if (!lastInvoice) return;
const { lastPayment } = lastInvoice;
if (!lastPayment) return;
return lastPayment.amount;

All this, just to sort of drill down and find something if it’s there. Optional chaining gives us a more concise way to do this

function getLastPayment(data: ResponseData): number | undefined {
return data?.customer?.lastInvoice?.lastPayment?.amount

Behind the scenes, what’s happening here is very similar to the more lengthy version of this function that we wrote above. Here’s the compiled output (target: ES2017)

function getLastPayment(data) {
var _a, _b, _c;
return (_c = (_b = (_a = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.customer) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.lastInvoice) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.lastPayment) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.amount;

If any step of our “chain” ends up being undefined, the whole expression ends up evaluating to undefined

Nullish coalescing ??

Similar to the optional chaining operator, nullish coalescing allows for succinct handling of the possibility that something might be undesirably null or undefined.

Let’s imagine a scenario where we’re building a video player, and have the following requirements

  • The range of allowed volume is (0 - 100) in increments of 25, where 0 indicates "mute"
  • Totally new users should start with a default volume of 50
  • When users adjust their volume, we save it in a config object (imagine this is persisted somewhere) and restore their previous volume when they leave and come back
type PlayerConfig = {
volume?: 0 | 25 | 50 | 75 | 100
function initializePlayer(config: PlayerConfig): void {
const vol = typeof config.volume === 'undefined' ? 50 : config.volume

This line is where the interesting stuff is happening, and readability is not great

const vol = typeof config.volume === 'undefined' ? 50 : config.volume

At first glance, we might want to try the logical OR operator || since that will handle the undefined case

const vol = config.volume || 50
const vol: 25 | 50 | 75 | 100

Oops! This is more readable, but our “mute” value 0 has disappeared. Thankfully, we can do the same thing with our nullish coalescing operator ??, which does not perform a truthy/falsy check, but a specific check for null and undefined, and we’ll get the right result

const vol = config.volume ?? 50
const vol: 0 | 25 | 50 | 75 | 100

  1. Where “proven” means, “the compiler can’t convince itself.”

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