Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Conditional Types

October 25, 2023

Table of Contents

Ternary operator with values

In a wide range of programming languages, we can find if/then/else logic. JavaScript provides a ternary1 operator that allows us to express this kind of logic concisely. For example.

const x = 16
const isXNegative = x >= 0 ? "no" : "yes"
const isXNegative: "no" | "yes"

The general format of this expression in the regular JS/TS world, when used with values (as shown in the snippet above) is:

condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse

Conditional types

Conditional types allow for types to be expressed using a very similar (basically, the same) syntax

class Grill {
startGas() {}
stopGas() {}
class Oven {
setTemperature(degrees: number) {}
type CookingDevice<T> = T extends "grill" ? Grill : Oven
let device1: CookingDevice<"grill">
let device1: Grill
let device2: CookingDevice<"oven">
let device2: Oven

Let’s remove everything except for the conditional type:

type CookingDevice<T> = T extends "grill" ? Grill : Oven

Expressing conditions

On the right side of the = operator, you can see the same three parts from our definition of a traditional value-based ternary operator

condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse
part expression
condition T extends "grill"
exprIfTrue Grill
exprIfFalse Oven

You probably notice the extends keyword in the condition, which as of TypeScript v5.3 is the only mechanism of expressing any kind of condition.

If we think back to the mental model of types a sets of allowed values, extends is a check of a subset relationship. Let’s look at a smaller example to convince ourselves of this

const one = 1;
const one: 1
const two = 2;
const two: 2
const ten = 10;
type IsLowNumber<T> = T extends 1 | 2 ? true : false
type TestOne = IsLowNumber<1>
type TestOne = true
type TestTwo = IsLowNumber<2>
type TestTwo = true
type TestTen = IsLowNumber<10>
type TestTen = false
type TestTenWithTwo = IsLowNumber<10 | 2>
type TestTenWithTwo = boolean

Let’s look specifically at the conditions, when T is each of our three types

  • T = 1 —> { 1 } extends { 1, 2 } —> true
  • T = 2 —> { 2 } extends { 1, 2 } —> true
  • T = 10 —> { 10 } extends { 1, 2 } —> false
  • T = 10 | 2 —> { 10, 2 } extends { 1, 2 } —> boolean

Looking at the first three test cases, we can see that

for X extends Y, we’re really testing whether the set represented by X is a subset of the set represented by Y

Of course the last test case is also quite interesting. How are we getting boolean out of this?

When a union type is “projected” through a generic, you can think of it kind of like each element of the union type is independently evaluated, and then all of the results are union’d together.

In this case

  • T = 2 —> { 2 } extends { 1, 2 } —> true
  • T = 10 —> { 10 } extends { 1, 2 } —> false
  • true | false —> boolean

Utility types that use conditional types

There are several types that are broadly useful enough that TypeScript includes them as part of the “core types” for the JS language.

Now that we’ve learned about conditional types, let’s study the built-in utility types Extract and Exclude, which are implemented with conditional types


Extract is useful for obtaining some sub-part of a type that is assignable to some other type.

type FavoriteColors =
| "dark sienna"
| "van dyke brown"
| "yellow ochre"
| "sap green"
| "titanium white"
| "phthalo green"
| "prussian blue"
| "cadium yellow"
| [number, number, number]
| { red: number; green: number; blue: number }
type StringColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, string>
type StringColors = "dark sienna" | "van dyke brown" | "yellow ochre" | "sap green" | "titanium white" | "phthalo green" | "prussian blue" | "cadium yellow"
type ObjectColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, { red: number }>
type ObjectColors = { red: number; green: number; blue: number; }
type TupleColors
type TupleColors = [number, number, number]
= Extract<FavoriteColors, [number, number, number]>

In plain language…

We’re Extracting the subset of FavoriteColors that is assignable to string


Exclude is the opposite of Extract, in that it’s useful for obtaining the part of a type that’s not assignable to some other type

// a set of four specific things
type FavoriteColors =
| "dark sienna"
| "van dyke brown"
| "yellow ochre"
| "sap green"
| "titanium white"
| "phthalo green"
| "prussian blue"
| "cadium yellow"
| [number, number, number]
| { red: number; green: number; blue: number }
type NonStringColors = Exclude<FavoriteColors, string>
type NonStringColors = [number, number, number] | { red: number; green: number; blue: number; }

How do these work?

Here’s the complete source code for these types

* Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T
* Extract from T those types that are assignable to U
type Extract<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never

They’re just conditional types, and the only difference between them is the reversal of the “if true” and “if false” expressions (never : T vs T : never).

You may be wondering how the T that’s returned by this expression isn’t the same T that we passed in. Remember that each element of the union type is evaluated independently, and then all of the resultant types are union-ed back together again.

What these utility types take advantage of, is that union-ing a type with never is essentially a no-op

type OneNever = 1 | never
type OneNever = 1

As a consequence, all the union members that are subtypes of U and all of the union members that aren’t are effectively separated into groups. All that’s different between Extract and Exclude is which group is returned to us, and which effectively disappears into | nevers

Quiz: Expressing conditions

QUIZ: Conditional type - condition expressions

Let’s study a few examples of extends scenarios and see if we can figure out whether it will evaluate to true or false

1 64 extends number
2 number extends 64
3 string[] extends any
4 string[] extends any[]
5 never extends any
6 any extends any
7 Date extends {new (...args: any[]): any }
8 (typeof Date) extends {new (...args: any[]): any }
Click to reveal answers // SPOILER WARNING
type answer_1 = 64 extends number ? true : false
type answer_1 = true
type answer_2 = number extends 64 ? true : false
type answer_2 = false
type answer_3 = string[] extends any ? true : false
type answer_3 = true
type answer_4 = string[] extends any[] ? true : false
type answer_4 = true
type answer_5 = never extends any ? true : false
type answer_5 = true
type answer_6 = any extends any ? true : false
type answer_6 = true
type answer_7 = Date extends { new (...args: any[]): any }
type answer_7 = false
? true
: false
type answer_8 = typeof Date extends { new (...args: any[]): any }
type answer_8 = true
? true
: false

  1. Definition of ternary: three-part

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