Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Challenge 3: Type Challenges

March 22, 2022

Table of Contents

Type challenges are a great way to practice using the TS type system. These are often quite challenging, but they give you valuable practice thinking about how utility types work.

Let’s tackle a curated selection of these challenges ourselves!

Round 1

If<C, T, F>

Implement a type that evaluates to T if the type C is true or F if C is false.

// Implement this type
type If<C, T, F> = never
// Tests
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<If<true, "apple", "pear">, "apple">>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<If<false, "orange", 42>, 42>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.


Implement a type that evaluates to a numeric type literal, equivalent to the length of a specified tuple type T

// Implement this type
type LengthOfTuple<T> = never
// Tests
const Fruits = ["cherry", "banana"] as const
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<LengthOfTuple<[1, 2, 3]>, 3>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<NotEqual<LengthOfTuple<[1, 2, 3]>, 2>>,
Expect<Equal<LengthOfTuple<typeof Fruits>, 2>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<LengthOfTuple<[]>, 0>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.

EndsWith<A, B>

Implement a type that evaluates to true if the type A ends with the type B, otherwise false.

// Implement this type
type EndsWith<A, B> = any
// Tests
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<EndsWith<"ice cream", "cream">, true>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<EndsWith<"ice cream", "chocolate">, false>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Click for hints
type FirstLetter<S> = S extends `${infer F}${string}`
? F
: never
let firstLetterOfBird: FirstLetter<"bird">
let firstLetterOfBird: "b"
let firstLetterOfDog: FirstLetter<"dog">
let firstLetterOfDog: "d"

Concat<A, B>

Implement a type that concatenates two tuple types A, and B

// Implement this type
type Concat<A, B> = any
// Tests
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<Concat<[], []>, []>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<Concat<[], ["hello"]>, ["hello"]>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Equal<Concat<[18, 19], [20, 21]>, [18, 19, 20, 21]>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Concat<[42, "a", "b"], [Promise<boolean>]>,
[42, "a", "b", Promise<boolean>]

Round 2


Implement a type that emits the return type of a function type F

// Implement this type
type ReturnOf<F> = never
// Tests
const flipCoin = () =>
Math.random() > 0.5 ? "heads" : "tails"
const rockPaperScissors = (arg: 1 | 2 | 3) => {
return arg === 1
? ("rock" as const)
: arg === 2
? ("paper" as const)
: ("scissors" as const)
type cases = [
// simple 1
Expect<Equal<boolean, ReturnOf<() => boolean>>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
// simple 2
Expect<Equal<123, ReturnOf<() => 123>>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Equal<ComplexObject, ReturnOf<() => ComplexObject>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
ReturnOf<() => Promise<boolean>>
Expect<Equal<() => "foo", ReturnOf<() => () => "foo">>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Equal<"heads" | "tails", ReturnOf<typeof flipCoin>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
"rock" | "paper" | "scissors",
ReturnOf<typeof rockPaperScissors>
type ComplexObject = {
a: [12, "foo"]
bar: "hello"
prev(): number

Split<S, SEP>

Implement a type that splits a string literal type S by a delimiter SEP, emitting a tuple type containing the string literal types for all of the “tokens”

// Implement this type
type Split<S extends string, SEP extends string> = any
// Tests
type cases = [
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Split<"Hi! How are you?", "z">,
["Hi! How are you?"]
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Split<"Hi! How are you?", " ">,
["Hi!", "How", "are", "you?"]
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Split<"Hi! How are you?", "">,
" ",
" ",
" ",
Expect<Equal<Split<"", "">, []>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<Split<"", "z">, [""]>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<Split<string, "whatever">, string[]>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.


Implement a type IsTuple, which takes an input type T and returns whether T is tuple type.

// Implement this type
type IsTuple<T> = any
// Tests
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<IsTuple<[]>, true>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<IsTuple<[number]>, true>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<IsTuple<readonly [1]>, true>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<IsTuple<{ length: 1 }>, false>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<IsTuple<number[]>, false>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Click for hints
type TypeExtends<A, B> = A extends B ? true : false
let t0: TypeExtends<number, 6>
let t1: TypeExtends<6, number>

Round 3

TupleToNestedObject<P, V>

Given a tuple type T that only contains string type, and a type U, build an object recursively.

// Implement this type
type TupleToNestedObject<P, V> = any
// Tests
type cases = [
Equal<TupleToNestedObject<["a"], string>, { a: string }>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
TupleToNestedObject<["a", "b"], number>,
{ a: { b: number } }
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
TupleToNestedObject<["a", "b", "c"], boolean>,
{ a: { b: { c: boolean } } }
Expect<Equal<TupleToNestedObject<[], boolean>, boolean>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Click for hints
type Pets = "dog"
type PetsObj = {
[K in Pets]: Promise<number>
let x: PetsObj
type PetsObj = { dog: Promise<number>; }

IndexOf<T, U>

Implement the type version of Array.indexOf, IndexOf<T, U> takes an Array T, any U and returns the index of the first U in Array T.

// Implement this type
type IndexOf<T, U> = any
// Tests
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<IndexOf<[1, 2, 3], 2>, 1>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<IndexOf<[2, 6, 3, 8, 4, 1, 7, 3, 9], 3>, 2>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Expect<Equal<IndexOf<[0, 0, 0], 2>, -1>>
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.

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