Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Structural vs. Nominal Types

June 08, 2021

Table of Contents

Ways of categorizing type systems

Now is a good time to take a step back and think about some conceptual aspects of types and type systems. How is TypeScript similar and different from Java and JavaScript?

What is type checking?

Type-checking can be thought of as a task that attempts to evaluate the question of compatibility or type equivalence:

function foo(x) {
// ... mystery code ...
// -------------
// Is `myValue` type-equivalent to
// what `foo` wants to receive?

This question can be asked at a function call - such as foo(myValue) in the above example - as an assignment,

// is the value y holds type-equivalent to what `x` allows?
x = y

…a return,

const myStrings = ["a"]
/// ---cut---
function bar(): string[] {
// ...mystery code that might return early...
// -------------
// Is `myStrings` type-equivalent to
// what `bar` states it will return?
return myStrings

or in some other more exotic situations 1.

Static vs dynamic

Sorting type systems as either static or dynamic has to do with whether type-checking is performed at compile time or runtime.

TypeScript’s type system is static.

Java, C#, C++ all fit into this category. Keep in mind that inferrence can still occur in static type systems — TypeScript, Scala, and Haskell all have some form of static type checking.

Dynamic type systems perform their “type equivalence” evaluation at runtime. JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Perl and PHP fall into this category.

Nominal vs structural

Nominal type systems are all about NAMES. Let’s take a look at a simple Java example:

public class Car {
String make;
String model;
int make;
public class CarChecker {
// takes a `Car` argument, returns a `String`
public static String checkCar(Car car) { }
Car myCar = new Car();
// -------------
// Is `myCar` type-equivalent to
// what `checkCar` wants as an argument?

In the code above, when considering the question of type equivalence on the last line, all that matters is whether myCar is an instance of the class named Car.

TypeScript type system is structural

Structural type systems are all about STRUCTURE or SHAPE. Let’s look at a TypeScript example:

class Car {
make: string
model: string
year: number
isElectric: boolean
class Truck {
make: string
model: string
year: number
towingCapacity: number
const vehicle = {
make: "Honda",
model: "Accord",
year: 2017,
function printCar(car: {
make: string
model: string
year: number
}) {
console.log(`${car.make} ${car.model} (${car.year})`)
printCar(new Car()) // Fine
printCar(new Truck()) // Fine
printCar(vehicle) // Fine

The function printCar doesn’t care about which constructor its argument came from, it only cares about whether it has:

  • A make property that’s of type string
  • A model property that’s of type string
  • A year property that’s of type number

If the argument passed to it meets these requirements, printCar is happy.

Duck typing

“Duck typing” gets its name from the “duck test”.

“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably is a duck”.

In practice, this is very similar to structural typing, but “Duck typing” is usually used to describe dynamic type systems.

“Strong” vs. “Weak” types

These terms, while used frequently, have no agreed-upon technical definition. In the context of TypeScript it’s common for those who say “strong” to really mean “static”.

  1. Among these are: generator function yield, accessor/mutator-based property conventions.

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