Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Type Queries

June 10, 2021

Table of Contents

Type queries allow us to obtain type information from values, which is an incredibly important capability — particularly when working with libraries that may not expose type information in a way that’s most useful for you


The keyof type query allows us to obtain type representing all property keys on a given interface

type DatePropertyNames = keyof Date
type DatePropertyNames = keyof Date

Not all keys are strings, so we can separate out those keys that are symbols and those that are strings using the intersection operator (&).

If you remember your geometry, it may be useful to think of this as kind of like a dot product, in that when we use the intersection operator, we’re left only with the sub-part of the keyof Date that also is included by string or symbol, respectively.

type DatePropertyNames = keyof Date
type DateStringPropertyNames = DatePropertyNames & string
type DateStringPropertyNames = "toString" | "toDateString" | "toTimeString" | "toLocaleString" | "toLocaleDateString" | "toLocaleTimeString" | "valueOf" | "getTime" | "getFullYear" | "getUTCFullYear" | ... 33 more ... | "getVarDate"
type DateSymbolPropertyNames = DatePropertyNames & symbol
type DateSymbolPropertyNames = typeof Symbol.toPrimitive

Interesting! this Symbol.toPrimitive property is the only non-string. 1


The typeof type query allows you to extract a type from a value. An example is shown below

async function main() {
const apiResponse = await Promise.all([
Promise.resolve("Titanium White"),
type ApiResponseType = typeof apiResponse
type ApiResponseType = [Response, string]

A common use of typeof is to obtain a type representing the “static site” of a class (meaning: constructor, static properties, and other things not present on an instance of the class)

const MyAjaxConstructor = CSSRule
const MyAjaxConstructor: { new (): CSSRule; prototype: CSSRule; readonly STYLE_RULE: 1; readonly CHARSET_RULE: 2; readonly IMPORT_RULE: 3; readonly MEDIA_RULE: 4; readonly FONT_FACE_RULE: 5; readonly PAGE_RULE: 6; readonly NAMESPACE_RULE: 10; readonly KEYFRAMES_RULE: 7; readonly KEYFRAME_RULE: 8; readonly SUPPORTS_RULE: 12; }
(property) STYLE_RULE: 1
const myAjax = new CSSRule()
const myAjax: CSSRule

MyAjaxConstructor, the class (constructor) is of type typeof CSSRule, where instances are of type CSSRule

Indexed Access Types

Indexed Access types provide a mechanism for retrieving part(s) of an array or object type via indices. We’ll look at how this kind of type works, and a couple of practical examples of where you might use them.

At the simplest level, these kinds of types are all about accessing some part of another type, via an index

interface Car {
make: string
model: string
year: number
color: {
red: string
green: string
blue: string
let carColor: Car["color"]
let carColor: { red: string; green: string; blue: string; }

In this situation 'color' is the “index”.

The index you use must be a valid “key” you could use on a value of type Car. Below you can see what happens if you try to break this rule:

let carColor: Car["not-something-on-car"]
Property 'not-something-on-car' does not exist on type 'Car'.2339Property 'not-something-on-car' does not exist on type 'Car'.

You can also reach deeper into the object through multiple “accesses”

let carColorRedComponent: Car["color"]["red"]
let carColorRedComponent: string

…and you can pass or “project” a union type (|) through Car as an index, as long as all parts of the union type are each a valid index

let carProperty: Car["color" | "year"]
let carProperty: number | { red: string; green: string; blue: string; }

Use case: the “type registry” pattern

We’re going to touch on one concept we haven’t talked about yet, but we can use a basic definition for the purpose of understanding this example.

declare module "./lib/registry" {

This is called a module declaration, and it allows us to effectively layer types on top of things already exported by a module ./lib/registry.ts. Remember, there’s only one definition of the types exported by ./lib/registry.ts, so if we modify them using a module declaration, that modification will affect every place where its types are used.

Now, let’s use keyof, module declarations and what we just learned about open interfaces to solve a problem.

Imagine we’re building a data library for a web applications. Part of this task involves building a function that fetches different types of records from a user’s API. We want to be able to retrieve a record by the name of the kind of record and its ID, but as the builders of the library, we don’t know the specific types that any given user will need.

// Assumption -- our user has set up resources like Book and Magazine
// returns a Book
fetchRecord("book", "bk_123")
// returns a Magazine
fetchRecord("magazine", "mz_456")
// maybe should refuse to compile
fetchRecord("blah", "")

Our project might have a file structure like

book.ts // A model for Book records
magazine.ts // A model for Magazine records
registry.ts // Our type registry, and a `fetchRecord` function
index.ts // Entry point

Let’s focus on that first argument of the fetchRecord function. We can create a “registry” interface that any consumer of this library can use to “install” their resource types, and define the fetchRecord function using our new keyof type query.

// @filename: lib/registry.ts
export interface DataTypeRegistry
// empty by design
// the "& string" is just a trick to get
// a nicer tooltip to show you in the next step
export function fetchRecord(arg: keyof DataTypeRegistry & string, id: string) {

Now let’s focus our attention toward “app code”. We’ll define classes for Book and Magazine and “register” them with the DataTypeRegistry interface

// @filename: data/book.ts
export class Book {
deweyDecimalNumber(): number {
return 42
declare module "../lib/registry" {
export interface DataTypeRegistry {
book: Book
// @filename: data/magazine.ts
export class Magazine {
issueNumber(): number {
return 42
declare module "../lib/registry" {
export interface DataTypeRegistry {
magazine: Magazine

Now look what happens to the first argument of that fetchRecord function! it’s "book" | "magazine" despite the library having absolutely nothing in its code that refers to these concepts by name!

// @filename: index.ts
import { DataTypeRegistry, fetchRecord } from './lib/registry'
fetchRecord("book", "bk_123")
(alias) fetchRecord(arg: "book" | "magazine", id: string): void import fetchRecord

Obviously there are other things we’d need to build other parts of what we’d need for a fetchRecord function. Don’t worry! We’ll come back once we’ve learned a few more things that we need!

  1. If you’re curious about this property, try running the following in your terminal node -e "console.log(new Date()[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'))"

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